Computed tomography of the abdomen

Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen is an advanced diagnostic technique that allows doctors to obtain detailed images of the internal organs of the abdomen, including the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, kidneys, and spleen. This procedure is necessary to accurately assess the condition of organs and detect inflammation, tumors, bleeding, and other pathological changes.

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CT scan of the abdomen with EasyMed

EasyMed provides services for selecting optimal clinics for abdominal CT in Israel, making the diagnostic process easier for clients. We help reduce the waiting time for appointments and results, which is critical for patients who need urgent diagnosis.
Partnering with EasyMed guarantees access to cutting-edge medical facilities and quality care, ensuring comfort and peace of mind at every procedure step.

What does a CT scan of the abdomen show?

Computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen is widely used to assess organs such as the liver, pancreas, spleen, and kidneys, as well as the intestines and other structures of the abdominal cavity.

A CT scan of the abdomen is especially important for:

A CT scan of the abdomen is a quick way to obtain accurate information about the condition of the internal organs, which plays a key role in diagnosis and treatment planning.

Indications for CT scan of the abdomen

Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen is an important tool in diagnosing and treating various diseases.

Indications for an abdominal CT scan include:

Importantly! Before performing a CT scan of the abdomen, it is necessary to provide the doctor with a complete history and a referral from the treating specialist. This ensures accurate diagnosis and allows doctors to consider the patient’s characteristics and medical history.

Preparation for the procedure

Preparing for an abdominal CT scan requires certain steps to ensure the accuracy and safety of the examination:

Importantly! Before the abdominal CT scan procedure, EasyMed specialists will provide all the necessary information and instructions to guarantee the comfort and safety of the patient.

The process of performing a CT scan of the abdomen

The abdomen computed tomography (CT) procedure begins with the patient’s arrival at the clinic, where he is registered and fills out the necessary medical documentation. Patients may need to change into special hospital gowns and remove all metal objects. Special preparation is sometimes required before the CT scan begins, including injecting a contrast agent if the procedure requires this.

The patient lies down on a movable scanner table, which is smoothly inserted into the circular arch of the CT machine. It is important to remain still throughout the scan for high-quality images. A CT machine can produce various sounds during operation, so earplugs are sometimes offered to patients.

The scanning process takes 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the area being examined and the application of the contrast agent. In the case of contrast, it is usually given intravenously before the scan, which can slightly increase the overall procedure time. After completing the abdominal CT scan, the patient can leave the clinic immediately unless the doctor has ordered additional follow-up or tests.

CT scan of the abdomen with a contrast agent

CT scan of the abdomen with a contrast medium is often used for detailed visualization of the abdominal organs and vessels. The introduction of contrast improves the image of tissues, making it easier to diagnose various diseases.

A CT scan of the abdomen with a contrast medium is especially important in the following cases:

Importantly! Any allergies, especially iodine-containing contrast agents, should be notified to the doctor before performing a CT scan of the abdomen. The contrast agent is usually safe but can cause an allergic reaction in rare cases. Patients are advised to drink enough fluids to remove the contrast from the body more quickly and effectively.


Contraindications to computed tomography (CT) of the abdominal organs are divided into absolute and relative.

Relative contraindications:

Absolute contraindications:

Importantly! Patients applying through EasyMed will be informed of all necessary precautions.

Safety of the procedure

A CT scan of the abdomen involves a higher dose of radiation compared to other imaging methods, such as ultrasound or MRI. The average dose may vary, usually around ten millisieverts (mSv). Although the risk associated with a single CT scan is considered low, frequent examinations may increase cumulative radiation exposure. It is important to balance the potential risks with the diagnostic value of the procedure. The frequency of abdominal CT scans depends on the specific medical care and diagnosis. Regular routines may be necessary to monitor certain conditions or evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

Importantly! Before undergoing a CT scan, it’s a good idea to discuss all the risks and benefits with your doctor and consider possible alternatives. EasyMed will provide you with all the information and assistance you need to make an informed decision.

EasyMed – Your Navigation in the World of CT

When you contact EasyMed for a CT scan of the abdomen, you provide yourself with maximum comfort and efficiency. We carefully select the best clinics in Israel, considering the individual requirements and urgency of the examination of each client. EasyMed greatly simplifies the diagnostic process, eliminating the need to search for a clinic and wait in queues on your own. We offer comprehensive services, from quick CT appointments to assistance in interpreting the results and arranging follow-up medical consultations. Our team of professionals accompanies you every step of the way, from the initial application to the completion of the diagnostic process, guaranteeing prompt access to quality treatment. Choosing EasyMed is your step towards solving problems quickly and efficiently without any hassle.

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    Frequently asked Questions

    We provide personalized healthcare services. Our main goal is to provide you with a quick appointment for the necessary medical examination or consultation with a doctor.

    There is no need to wait several months: with us you will get to the right specialist in the shortest possible time.

    Waiting times depend on the complexity of the procedure and the doctor’s profile. We can make an appointment with some specialists within 24 hours. For complex procedures, the waiting period of which reaches several months, you will be treated with us within 2-3 weeks.

    There are a number of procedures (for example, complex types of MRI) that the patient can wait about a year and a half. We can reduce this period to 3 months.

    We cooperate with leading specialists in various fields, as well as with top clinics and laboratories throughout Israel and abroad.

    Our doctors use the latest treatment protocols and the most advanced technologies. The clinics we work with are equipped with modern equipment that provides the most accurate results.

    Our partners are experienced professionals who have earned trust due to their experience, knowledge and professionalism.

    We operate in all regions of Israel. Your appointment will be scheduled at the location most convenient for you.

    The cost of services depends on the complexity of the procedure and the doctor’s profile. For accurate information and cost calculation, leave your details or call: 033083020

    Yes, absolutely. Confidentiality and protection of our clients' personal information is one of our key priorities. We strictly adhere to all legal and ethical standards to ensure the maximum security of your data.

    Our specialists will check whether in a particular case a refund from the insurance company is due. If yes, then after completing the procedure, a receipt will be sent to the insurance agent, who, in turn, makes a request to the insurance company to return the amount due to the patient for the procedure completed.

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