Gastrocolonoscopy combines two key endoscopic procedures, gastroscopy and colonoscopy, to simultaneously view the upper and lower digestive tracts. This allows doctors to examine in detail the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenum, colon, and end part of the small intestine, which is effective for diagnosing inflammatory diseases, ulcers, polyps, tumors, and other gastrointestinal pathologies.
Дополнительные процедуры:
- Лабораторный анализ мочи
- Элемент списка #2
- Элемент списка #3
Gastro-colonoscopy with Gastro-colonoscopy
EasyMed offers services for quickly organizing a gastro-colonoscopy procedure in the best clinics in Israel. We will take care of choosing the right medical facility, considering your medical history and specific needs.
Cooperation with EasyMed provides convenient and prompt booking and support at every stage – from preparation for the procedure to obtaining results and further treatment. We strive to make the examination as comfortable and safe as possible, providing access to high-quality medical care.
What does a gastro-colonoscopy show?
- Diagnosing diseases: The procedure is ideal for detecting a variety of pathologies, including inflammations, ulcers, polyps, tumors, and other disorders in the digestive tract.
- Cancer prevention: Gastrocolonoscopy helps detect precancerous conditions and cancers early, especially stomach and colon cancers.
- Therapeutic manipulations: In addition to the diagnostic function, the procedure allows therapeutic manipulations, for example, the removal of polyps or the taking of a biopsy for histological examination.
Gastrocolonoscopy is a complex procedure that is prescribed in the following cases:
- Comprehensive diagnostics: Effective for simultaneously detecting gastrointestinal diseases, including ulcers, erosions, tumors, polyps, and inflammatory diseases.
- Chronic Symptom Assessment: Used for chronic diarrhea, constipation, unexplained abdominal pain, and bleeding.
- Post-treatment monitoring: It is used to monitor the condition of patients after treatment for stomach or colon cancer, as well as after surgical interventions.
- Early diagnosis of cancer: Allows timely detection of precancerous changes and early stages of stomach and colon cancer.
- Unclear Symptom Investigation: Recommended for unexplained weight loss, stool changes, anemia, and other non-specific symptoms.
Importantly! The procedure requires a referral from a doctor. Contacting EasyMed ensures the quick organization of the procedure in clinics that is convenient for the client, contributing to timely diagnosis and effective treatment.
Preparation for the procedure
- A few days before the procedure, you should switch to a light diet, excluding foods that make it difficult to cleanse the intestines.
- On the eve of the procedure, taking a laxative for a complete bowel movement is necessary.
- On the day of the procedure, it is important to avoid food and liquids completely.
- Tell your doctor about any medications you take, including blood thinners.
- Make sure you have a companion who can drive you home after the procedure.
- On the day of the examination, choose loose clothing for comfort.
Importantly! EasyMed specialists will provide you with all the information you need about gastro-colonoscopy and accompany you at all stages of preparation for the procedure.
Gastrocolonoscopy Process
A gastro-colonoscopy is a comprehensive endoscopic examination that requires thorough preparation, including bowel cleansing and diet.
First, the patient undergoes a gastroscopy and then a colonoscopy. The doctor examines the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines and, if necessary, conducts a biopsy.
The procedure may take 1 to 2 hours, depending on the complexity of the examination. After the process, the patient is advised to rest and follow a diet for some time.
Contraindications to the procedure
- Active gastric or esophageal bleeding
- Recent stomach or esophageal surgeries
- Esophageal stenosis
- Severe respiratory illness
- Acute inflammatory bowel disease
- Severe general condition of the patient
- Blood clotting disorders
- Intestinal perforation
- Serious cardiovascular disease
- Respiratory diseases
Importantly! EasyMed clients will receive detailed advice on contraindications and precautions when scheduling a gastro-colonoscopy.
Safety of the procedure
Gastrocolonoscopy, which combines gastroscopy and colonoscopy, is safe. However, it carries the risks associated with endoscopic procedures and is not associated with radiation exposure.
The frequency depends on diagnostic goals and clinical indications, such as screening for gastrointestinal tumors or diagnosing various gastrointestinal symptoms. It is carried out on the recommendation of a doctor.
EasyMed Benefits & Participation
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Наши партнеры — это опытные профессионалы, которые заслужили доверие благодаря своему опыту, знаниям и профессионализму.
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Стоимость услуг зависит от сложности процедуры и от профиля врача. Для получения точной информации и расчета стоимости оставьте ваши данные или позвоните по номеру:
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Наши специалисты проверят, полагается ли в конкретном случае возврат средств от страховой компании. Если да, то после прохождения процедуры квитанция будет направлена страховому агенту, который, в свою очередь, делает запрос в страховую компанию на возврат положенной пациенту суммы за пройденную процедуру.