Gum contouring

Gum alignment is a dental procedure that corrects the gum line to improve smile aesthetics and oral health. This method eliminates gingival asymmetry when the gum covers the teeth unevenly, which can cause not only aesthetic but also functional problems. Alignment of the gums helps improve the smile's appearance, making it more harmonious and attractive.

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Gum Alignment with EasyMed

Through EasyMed, patients have convenient access to the gum alignment procedure. We help you find experienced doctors specializing in aesthetic dentistry and gum correction. EasyMed acts as an intermediary, facilitating the scheduling of visits and accompanying patients, guaranteeing a thorough approach and high-quality treatment. With us, the gum alignment procedure becomes more accessible and less time-consuming. We allow patients to achieve the desired results and improve their smiles quickly.

Indications for gingival alignment

Preparing for Gum Alignment

Important! When making an appointment for a gum alignment procedure, the EasyMed manager will provide you with full information about the preparation for the procedure. You will additionally be informed about all important aspects to ensure maximum comfort and effectiveness of the treatment.

How is the procedure performed

The gingival alignment procedure begins with the patient’s arrival at the clinic, where they are registered and registered. After that, a consultation with a periodontist is held, including an examination of the oral cavity and a discussion of the details of the procedure. This stage takes about 15-20 minutes.

This is followed by preparation for the procedure, which may include a professional cleaning of the teeth and gums to improve visibility and access to the gum line. Preparing takes approximately 30 minutes.

The gum alignment procedure usually lasts 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the correction amount. The doctor may use laser or surgical techniques to gently remove excess gum tissue and form an aesthetically pleasing gum line during the procedure.

After the procedure is completed, the patient is given recommendations on how to care for the gums during the recovery period. Recovery is usually quick, and the patient can return to normal life the day after the procedure.

Generally, a gingival alignment visit can take 1 to 2 hours, including all steps from registration to procedure completion. The patient receives full information about the course of the procedure and the necessary care measures after it, which allows him to feel comfortable and be ready for changes in the appearance of the gums.

В целом, визит для выравнивания десны может занять от 1 до 2 часов, включая все этапы от регистрации до завершения процедуры. Пациент получает полную информацию о ходе процедуры и необходимых мерах по уходу после нее, что позволяет ему чувствовать себя комфортно и быть готовым к изменениям во внешнем виде десен.

Contraindications to the procedure

Contraindications to gingival alignment include:

Important! When scheduling a gum alignment procedure, the EasyMed manager will conduct a preliminary consultation to identify potential contraindications. This will help ensure the safety and success of the treatment, which is tailored to each client’s individual needs.

Safety of the procedure

Gum alignment with the right approach and following all medical guidelines is a safe procedure that can significantly improve the appearance of a smile and the health of the gums.

Gum alignment is usually done once, and the results can last a long time. However, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure only in cases where changes occur in the gum tissue over time or if additional correction of the gums’ shape is necessary.

The risks associated with gum alignment are minimal, especially when using modern technologies such as laser correction. Possible side effects may include short-term soreness or swelling of the gums, bleeding, and tenderness, which usually go away quickly after the procedure.

To ensure the procedure’s safety, it is important to conduct a thorough examination and treatment planning and follow all the dentist’s recommendations for post-operative care. Regular check-ups and oral hygiene help maintain gum correction results and oral health.

Advantages of contacting EasyMed:

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    Frequently asked Questions

    We provide personalized healthcare services. Our main goal is to provide you with a quick appointment for the necessary medical examination or consultation with a doctor.

    There is no need to wait several months: with us you will get to the right specialist in the shortest possible time.

    Waiting times depend on the complexity of the procedure and the doctor’s profile. We can make an appointment with some specialists within 24 hours. For complex procedures, the waiting period of which reaches several months, you will be treated with us within 2-3 weeks.

    There are a number of procedures (for example, complex types of MRI) that the patient can wait about a year and a half. We can reduce this period to 3 months.

    We cooperate with leading specialists in various fields, as well as with top clinics and laboratories throughout Israel and abroad.

    Our doctors use the latest treatment protocols and the most advanced technologies. The clinics we work with are equipped with modern equipment that provides the most accurate results.

    Our partners are experienced professionals who have earned trust due to their experience, knowledge and professionalism.

    We operate in all regions of Israel. Your appointment will be scheduled at the location most convenient for you.

    The cost of services depends on the complexity of the procedure and the doctor’s profile. For accurate information and cost calculation, leave your details or call: 033083020

    Yes, absolutely. Confidentiality and protection of our clients' personal information is one of our key priorities. We strictly adhere to all legal and ethical standards to ensure the maximum security of your data.

    Our specialists will check whether in a particular case a refund from the insurance company is due. If yes, then after completing the procedure, a receipt will be sent to the insurance agent, who, in turn, makes a request to the insurance company to return the amount due to the patient for the procedure completed.

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