Magnetic resonance imaging with anesthesia

Magnetic resonance imaging under anesthesia is a specialized form of MRI diagnostic procedure designed for patients who find it difficult to remain still for long periods or who have a fear of confined spaces (claustrophobia). This method allows you to conduct a full-fledged examination without discomfort for the patient.

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MRI under anesthesia with EasyMed

EasyMed plays a key role in the organization of MRI under anesthesia, assisting in choosing the right clinic in Israel and accompanying you at every stage of the diagnostic process. We provide expedited access to the procedure, critical for timely diagnosis and treatment.

Indications for MRI under anesthesia

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) under anesthesia is recommended for children, people with certain medical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or claustrophobia, and in cases where a long-term scan is required.

Indications for MRI under anesthesia:

Importantly! Before an MRI scan under anesthesia, all medical and anesthetic aspects, including the risks and benefits of the procedure, should be thoroughly discussed with the doctor. Patients must provide a referral from a doctor and follow all instructions to prepare for anesthesia.

Preparation for the procedure

Importantly! When scheduling an MRI scan under anesthesia, EasyMed specialists will provide detailed instructions and recommendations on preparing for the procedure. Our managers will accompany you every step, ensuring comfort and safety during the entire process.

The process of MRI under anesthesia

The MRI procedure under anesthesia begins with a thorough preparation of the patient, including preliminary consultations and a medical examination to assess the state of health and possible risks. Immediately before the procedure, sedatives are administered under the supervision of an anesthesiologist. After the patient is placed in a state of sedation or general anesthesia, the patient is placed on the MRI scanner table, and the necessary body parts are fixed to ensure immobility during the scan. This is especially important, as any movement can reduce the quality of the resulting images. The MRI procedure under anesthesia can take from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the area of study and the case’s complexity. The entire process is under the medical staff’s control, ensuring the patient’s safety and comfort. After the MRI is completed, the patient remains under medical supervision until the patient is completely recovered from sedation or anesthesia. EasyMed provides quick access to MRI under anesthesia, offering convenience and efficiency in organizing the procedure and guaranteeing professional care and support at all stages.

MRI under anesthesia with a contrast agent

MRI under anesthesia with contrast medium is a specialized diagnostic approach in special clinical cases. This procedure combines the advantages of contrast enhancement for better visualization of internal structures with the use of anesthesia to ensure the comfort and immobility of the patient.


MRI under anesthesia is a specialized procedure performed in special cases and requires careful attention and preparation. It includes standard MRI contraindications, as well as additional restrictions associated with the use of anesthesia:

Relative contraindications:

Absolute contraindications:

When performing MRI with contrast under anesthesia:

Importantly! EasyMed specialists provide comprehensive support at all stages of the preparation and execution of an MRI under anesthesia, including preliminary consultations.

Safety of the procedure

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) under anesthesia is a non-invasive technique that does not involve ionizing radiation, and it is especially relevant for examining children or patients with certain medical conditions.

MRI under anesthesia is performed as safely as conventional MRI; however, adding anesthesia requires additional precautions and monitoring of the patient’s condition. The frequency of MRI under anesthesia is determined individually, depending on the medical indications and characteristics of the patient. Usually, such procedures are performed infrequently due to the need for anesthesia.

In general, MRI under anesthesia provides high-quality images for diagnosis without causing discomfort to the patient, making it a valuable tool in certain clinical cases.

Benefits of contacting EasyMed

EasyMed is an important intermediary for those needing MRI scans under anesthesia. We provide a fast and convenient service for selecting suitable clinics in Israel, adapted to our clients’ specific medical requirements and time frame.
By cooperating with EasyMed, patients can independently avoid long waits and difficulties in finding specialized medical institutions. We provide all the necessary services, from the moment of application to the receipt of MRI results, including the organization of quick access to the procedure.

An MRI procedure under anesthesia may be necessary in a variety of situations, including patients with a high degree of anxiety or inability to remain still during the examination. EasyMed guarantees that each patient receives an individual approach, maximum care, and professional service at all stages of the diagnosis.

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    Frequently asked Questions

    We provide personalized healthcare services. Our main goal is to provide you with a quick appointment for the necessary medical examination or consultation with a doctor.

    There is no need to wait several months: with us you will get to the right specialist in the shortest possible time.

    Waiting times depend on the complexity of the procedure and the doctor’s profile. We can make an appointment with some specialists within 24 hours. For complex procedures, the waiting period of which reaches several months, you will be treated with us within 2-3 weeks.

    There are a number of procedures (for example, complex types of MRI) that the patient can wait about a year and a half. We can reduce this period to 3 months.

    We cooperate with leading specialists in various fields, as well as with top clinics and laboratories throughout Israel and abroad.

    Our doctors use the latest treatment protocols and the most advanced technologies. The clinics we work with are equipped with modern equipment that provides the most accurate results.

    Our partners are experienced professionals who have earned trust due to their experience, knowledge and professionalism.

    We operate in all regions of Israel. Your appointment will be scheduled at the location most convenient for you.

    The cost of services depends on the complexity of the procedure and the doctor’s profile. For accurate information and cost calculation, leave your details or call: 033083020

    Yes, absolutely. Confidentiality and protection of our clients' personal information is one of our key priorities. We strictly adhere to all legal and ethical standards to ensure the maximum security of your data.

    Our specialists will check whether in a particular case a refund from the insurance company is due. If yes, then after completing the procedure, a receipt will be sent to the insurance agent, who, in turn, makes a request to the insurance company to return the amount due to the patient for the procedure completed.

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