Dental scaling

Professional tartar cleaning is an important dental procedure aimed at maintaining oral health and preventing gum disease. This procedure removes plaque and tartar that cannot be removed by regular brushing. Regularly performing this procedure prevents the development of gingivitis, periodontitis, and other diseases and also helps to improve the overall condition of the teeth and gums.

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Tartar cleaning with EasyMed

The EasyMed service facilitates access to professional tartar cleaning, offering seamless and prompt booking of appointments with experienced dentists. We do not provide services directly, but we serve as a link between patients and leading dental clinics, providing convenience, speed, and quality of service.

With EasyMed, you can quickly arrange for tartar cleaning at a time and place that suits you.

Indications for tartar cleaning

Preparation for tartar cleaning

Important! When making an appointment for a tartar cleaning procedure, you will receive an additional consultation from our manager, who will explain in detail all aspects of preparation and answer your questions so that the procedure is as comfortable and effective as possible.

How is the procedure performed

Coming to the clinic to clean tartar begins with registration at the appointment, where the patient fills out the necessary documents. After registration, a hygienist examines the oral cavity, assessing the condition and determining the scope of work. This stage can take about 10-15 minutes. Next, the patient is asked to rinse the mouth with a special solution to reduce bacteria before the procedure.

The procedure of cleaning tartar lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the amount of tartar and the complexity of its removal. A hygienist carefully removes plaque and tartar using an ultrasonic scaler and hand tools, then polishes the teeth to prevent plaque buildup in the future.

At the end of the procedure, the hygienist gives recommendations for oral care. The visit usually lasts 1 to 1.5 hours.

Contraindications to the procedure

Contraindications to tartar cleaning include:

Important! When making an appointment for a tartar cleaning procedure, the EasyMed manager will inform the client about all possible contraindications to ensure maximum safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

Safety of the procedure

Tartar cleaning is considered a standard and safe procedure in dentistry that helps prevent gum disease and maintain oral health.

It is recommended to clean tartar regularly, usually every 6-12 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the tendency to form plaque and tartar. Some patients with an increased risk of gum disease or rapid tartar buildup may need to be brushed more frequently.

Professional tartar cleaning is considered not only safe but also extremely useful. It helps to reduce inflammation of the gums and prevent periodontitis and caries. The risks associated with the procedure are minimal and may include temporary sensitivity of the teeth or gums after brushing, which usually resolves within a few days.

Advantages of contacting EasyMed:

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    Frequently asked Questions

    We provide personalized healthcare services. Our main goal is to provide you with a quick appointment for the necessary medical examination or consultation with a doctor.

    There is no need to wait several months: with us you will get to the right specialist in the shortest possible time.

    Waiting times depend on the complexity of the procedure and the doctor’s profile. We can make an appointment with some specialists within 24 hours. For complex procedures, the waiting period of which reaches several months, you will be treated with us within 2-3 weeks.

    There are a number of procedures (for example, complex types of MRI) that the patient can wait about a year and a half. We can reduce this period to 3 months.

    We cooperate with leading specialists in various fields, as well as with top clinics and laboratories throughout Israel and abroad.

    Our doctors use the latest treatment protocols and the most advanced technologies. The clinics we work with are equipped with modern equipment that provides the most accurate results.

    Our partners are experienced professionals who have earned trust due to their experience, knowledge and professionalism.

    We operate in all regions of Israel. Your appointment will be scheduled at the location most convenient for you.

    The cost of services depends on the complexity of the procedure and the doctor’s profile. For accurate information and cost calculation, leave your details or call: 033083020

    Yes, absolutely. Confidentiality and protection of our clients' personal information is one of our key priorities. We strictly adhere to all legal and ethical standards to ensure the maximum security of your data.

    Our specialists will check whether in a particular case a refund from the insurance company is due. If yes, then after completing the procedure, a receipt will be sent to the insurance agent, who, in turn, makes a request to the insurance company to return the amount due to the patient for the procedure completed.

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