X-ray of the hand

X-ray of the hand is a non-invasive method of radiation diagnostics, which is key in accurately determining the condition of the bones and joints of the hand. X-rays are especially important in diagnosing fractures, arthritis, osteoporosis, and other diseases.

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X-ray of the hand with EasyMed

EasyMed is a reliable assistant in selecting the best medical facilities for hand X-rays in Israel. EasyMed takes care of all stages of the procedure, from submitting the initial request for an appointment to transferring the diagnostic results to the client.

EasyMed provides customers with quick access to high-quality X-ray services in leading clinics in Israel, which is crucial for the timely detection of diseases and the start of the treatment process.

When is an X-ray of the hand necessary?

X-rays of the hand are prescribed in several cases when a detailed study of the condition of bones and joints is necessary. The test is recommended for the following symptoms and diseases:

Importantly! A significant role is played by the provision of anamnesis and the presence of a referral from a doctor, which helps to increase the accuracy of diagnosis. This allows for a more accurate interpretation of the results and helps determine further treatment.

Preparation and X-ray of the hand

Preparation for an X-ray of the hand is minimal. Includes a few simple steps:

In some cases, the doctor may give additional instructions, depending on the patient’s individual characteristics.

The X-ray procedure itself usually takes only 5-10 minutes. The patient will be asked to place their hand on a special table where the picture will be taken and follow the radiologist’s instructions to obtain clear images. The radiologist will give the necessary instructions and may ask the patient to change the position of the arm to take pictures from different angles.

Diagnostic Value of Hand X-ray

X-rays of the hand are a valuable diagnostic tool that allows you to detect a wide range of diseases and injuries to the bone structures of the hand. This method helps diagnose fractures, including small and hidden fractures that may not be visible on external examination. X-rays are also effective in detecting different forms of arthritis by detecting joint changes, such as narrowing of the common space or bone growths.

In addition, X-rays help detect osteoporosis by showing decreased bone density. Diagnosis of hand cysts, tumors and other neoplasms is also possible with the help of X-rays. In degenerative changes such as osteoarthritis, X-rays can assess the degree of bone wear.

X-rays of the hand are also used to monitor the healing process after fractures or surgical interventions, allowing doctors to observe the correct healing of bones and adjust treatment promptly. This method gives a clear picture of the structure of the hand, which is extremely important for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Contraindications to hand X-ray

Although it is a safe procedure, an X-ray of the hand has several contraindications. The most important of these is pregnancy, especially in the early stages, as X-rays can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Pregnant women are advised to avoid any type of X-ray examination, unless necessary and with the consent of the attending physician.

In addition, caution should be exercised in patients recently undergoing procedures involving radiopaque agents, such as barium enema or angiography. In these cases, you should wait some time before taking an X-ray of the hand.

In rare cases, patients may have individual contraindications to X-ray examination due to specific diseases or health conditions. In such situations, it is recommended to consult with a doctor to determine the possibility of an X-ray.

EasyMed – Your Reliable Diagnostic Assistant

By using the services of EasyMed to book an X-ray of the hand, customers are guaranteed to get speed and convenience. EasyMed specialists carefully select medical facilities in Israel, considering the specific needs and urgency of each case.

Cooperation with EasyMed saves our clients from wasting time searching for the right clinic and waiting in long queues. We provide the processing of test results and, if necessary, assist in organizing follow-up medical consultations and procedures.

Our team of EasyMed specialists will guide you through every step of the process, from the moment you apply to the moment you receive your results, guaranteeing quick access to quality healthcare in Israel.

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