Treatment of kidney stones in Israel: modern approaches and techniques

16.11.2023 m.marcenjuk Comments Off

Urolithiasis is a problem that is relevant for many people in different countries. However, Israel has already developed effective methods of combating this disease, based on the latest scientific research and many years of experience of specialists.

Diagnosing the disease

As Dr. Avi Ringel emphasizes, CT (computed tomography) scans are recommended for patients at the first sign of pain. This makes it possible to determine the size and location of the stones, as well as the condition of the urinary tract, with high accuracy. Although ultrasound can also be used for diagnosis, it is not the most reliable method in certain situations.


The choice of treatment depends on the size of the stones. For example, stones as small as 4 mm can often pass out of the body naturally, and patients are advised to just wait. In the case of larger stones that occupy a significant part of the renal pelvis, medical intervention may be required.

Laser destruction of stones is one of the most modern and safe methods of treatment. It allows you to quickly and efficiently eliminate the problem, minimizing the risk of complications. During the procedure, a thin fiber optic is inserted through the urethra, which directs the laser beam directly to the stone. This allows the stone to be crushed to dust, which greatly simplifies its removal from the body.

Laparoscopic surgery is used to treat especially large stones that cannot be destroyed with a laser. In this case, a small puncture with a diameter of about 1 cm is made in the lumbar area, through which special instruments are inserted. They allow you to either extract the stone in its entirety or destroy it.

► Prevention of urolithiasis

To prevent the formation of kidney stones, it is necessary to monitor your lifestyle and diet. Here are some suggestions:

  • Regularly drink at least 2 liters of water per day to promote the natural flushing of minerals from the body.
  • Limit your intake of table salt. Too much of it in the diet can contribute to the formation of stones.
  • Strive for a healthy lifestyle. Moderate exercise will help maintain kidney health.
  • Avoid foods rich in oxalate, such as spinach, rhubarb, beets, nuts, cocoa, and tea, as they can contribute to the formation of stones.
  • Talk to your doctor about your calcium intake. Despite the fact that stones may contain calcium, you should not completely eliminate this element from the diet. Instead, it’s best to ask your doctor for the recommended dose of calcium.
  • Have regular medical check-ups, especially if you have a hereditary predisposition to kidney stones.

Israeli urology has made significant progress in the treatment of urolithiasis. Thanks to highly qualified specialists and modern equipment, patients can count on fast and effective treatment that will help them return to a full life. Do not start the disease – the sooner treatment begins, the better the prognosis for the patient.

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